What is the delivery charges ? How long does delivery takes?

The shipping timeframe is approximately 20 business days. After the package reaches Lebanon, it will arrive at your doorstep within 2 to 4 business days. not including weekends or holidays.

Please be advised that delivery may be delayed due to current circumstances and high demand during sales events.

Delivery charge is 5$

What postal code should I use in Lebanon?
Kindly use 0000 for the postal code for orders placed in Lebanon.

How Can I use promocode? 

Once you have added your products to your cart, you can use your promo
code easily.
All you have to do is access your cart, by
clicking on the cart on the right of your page.
Enter your promo code in the dedicated box and
click on "Apply".
The total price will be updated to reflect the
applied promo code discount.

How can I order ?

You can order easily using our online platform. When you find a product you need, you can add it to cart, login and go through the ordering process.

What payment methods can I use ?

For your convenience, we offer multiple payment options including card and cash on delivery.

Need Help?

You can contact our customer Support team via e-mail: Support@blyntconcepts.com

Our customer support is available Monday to Friday: 9:00am-5:00pm.

Average answer time: 24-48h.

We would be delighted to help you!